About Us

Star College Bridgetown is an Independent, English Medium School, established by Horizon Educational Trust. We follow the Curriculum from the Department of Education and aim to be academically strong, producing excellent results in the National Matric exams as well as National and International Mathematics, Science and Computer Olympiads.

We offer co-ed Grade RR to Grade 7 and Grade 8 to Grade 12 for boys only.

All subjects other than additional languages, are taught in English.

We have smaller classes, engaging students in individual, personalised attention with their educators, contributing to higher academic and behavioral standards.

At Star College we focus on academics, with the main focus on Mathematics, Science and Computer Technology, giving our students the academic benefits to prepare them for a promising future. Students are taught about multi-culturalism, diversity and universal morals.

We endeavor to create a school culture built on success, respect and accountability, and to develop young people who are confident in becoming bold inquirers, analytical thinkers and ethical leaders in their society, empowered with excellent academic skills.
Our History


To offer all children, a quality education with holistic approach of nurturing and encouraging each child’s moral, religious, physical and educational well-being irrespective of race, religion or background.


1. To develop individuals who are skilled in their fields of study, and are productive and innovative, with a broad worldview and respect for human values.

2. To develop individuals qualified to compete in international arenas and who could successfully represent the Republic of South Africa.

3. To develop a generation with deep knowledge of Mathematical Sciences, Science and Technology who are able to adapt to the requirements of global market place.

4. To lay ground work for the disadvantaged students of South Africa for the benefit of science and technology.


Ethos at Star Colleges are formed on a desire to learn, to participate, to compete at the highest levels and fulfill ones potential. The learners at Star Colleges are encouraged to achieve in the classroom and combine this success with involvement in sporting and cultural activities. This balance enables them to be challenged, extended and motivated in many facets of real life, preparing them for their pathway beyond school life.


“Excellence in Education” and on the logo: “Ruh, Akil, Beden” (Soul, Mind, Body)


- Respect
- Reliability
- Responsibility
- Loyalty
- Solidarity
- Unity
- Ubuntu
- Friendship
- Leadership
- Compassion
- Dignity
 Star College Bridgetown is an Independent, English Medium School, established by Horizon Educational Trust. We follow the Curriculum from the Department of Education and aim to be academically strong, producing excellent results in the National Matric exams as well as National and International Mathematics, Science and Computer Olympiads
Horizon Educational Trust © 1999 - 2022 / All Rights Reserved
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